Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy endings?

Recently, my friends and i watch the movie - Our Times< 我们的少女时代> . Few years ago there was this craze over 《那些年我们一起追女孩》and everyone if not most was sad and heartbroken about the ending.  Both movies had invoke a warm and sweet feeling in our hearts and bring us back to our childhood, to the times where results seems to matter most. Some reminisce about their first love, some wish to experience such dramatic, heartwarming and romantic relationship at least once in their life while some just keep gasping at how hot the main leads look. Different feelings and different emotions are stirred. This also means the films are successful because, everyone who watched feel something for it. 《那些年》made a deeper impression in heart as it is more relatable, the emotions feels genuine and the ending reflect the sad truth of life . However, not trying to spoil anything but in my two cents worth of opinion, this movie is too cliche and too unrealistic for my liking. There is something lacking about this movie. The chemistry isn't there and it feels too scripted and predictable. Plus by using older actors to portray the grown up characters makes it hard for the viewer to feel "awww at least they met again " but rather who the hell are they, then finally understanding that they are the grown up versions. However, i have to say that there are some parts that got to my heart and surrounded it with honey. Overall, it is still a good romantic comedy movie especially for those who are a sucker for romance :)
 Image result for our times         Image result for you are the apple of my eye
On a side note, this movie got me wondering....happy endings are good which is why it is highly desirable in both the digital realm and real life. However, why do people never make the effort to create the happy ending they desire in their own life in any aspect. Everyone hopes that every relationship , every marriage , every friendship will have a happy ending but the problem is did you even try to create and maintain a happy ending ? Lovers break up because of a plethora of reasons-too bored of each other , the other half does not do special events, he/she is not the one etc... Love needs to be nurtured , love helps both parties to growth and it needs effort. Before you complain about not having a happy ending, ask yourself did you make the effort to choose your significant half every day over other girls or guys , did you make the effort to help each other become a better person they were than the day before , did you try ? I am no expert in love or relationship but all i know is our happy endings can only be written by us , we cannot dictate external factors but at least we should try. If film makers know that the way to break box office record is to write happy endings then why don't we aim to write our own happy endings to have a successful and meaningful life and relationships~
Image result for love quotes                 Image result for love quotes

~Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
ANN LANDERS                               :)

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