Sunday, February 7, 2016

happy chinese new year

Happy Chinese New Year Eve ! Today we will be ushering in the fire monkey year and tomorrow the visiting , the feasting , the collection of hong bao (red packets with money ) start! Often you will meet people you didn't even know was your cousin or even related to you. Also, it is a time to catch up , boast about past year's achievements and lament about the things you didn't do. Most singles will dread this question from elders- when are you getting married ? Those married couple will be asked - when are you going to get a baby ? The list of questions asked is never ending and sometimes it gets annoying. However, most of the time new year is still enjoyable.
Image result for monkey chinese new year      Image result for monkey hong baos
I remember having lots of fun during new year, getting various gifts and hong baos as i was the youngest in the family. Memories of me jumping around , playing with my cousins , eating chocolates and food that my mum would have stop me from eating on a normal day still brings a smile to my face when every time new year comes. Things change over the years and sad to say not everything remains the same. Family ties have weaken over the years, decorations and preparation becomes more and more simplified , lunar new year just feels like a holiday and it is less lively.

Ever since my grandma passed away , cousins became distant ,  meetings became lesser , family is no longer closely knitted. I still anticipate new year and hong baos but every year i will still have a tinge of regret that things are no longer the same.  Sometimes i wonder , can family put down all grudges with time , let all unhappiness end with those who have left the world , let it be buried six feet under ground? New year = new resolutions . So, similarly new lunar, new hope :) I really wish that families and in laws will become close again and that everyone of us can be happy and healthy.
Image result for chinese new year greetings 2016
I hope everyone out there will have new hopes and wishes on this new lunar monkey year :)
恭喜发财 ,猴年大吉 ,事事顺利:)